CASALOBOS longnights dolorespark castro folsomstreetfair goldengatebridge muni bartspecial tempest beer music haightashbury larkin goldengatepark castro freefarmersmarket berkeley das familymarket hya zac disneyblankets billhicks steven pbr mickeys generousjoe beach jeff poker applestoapples couch party bus14 jen nate james scumfucks freefood porch jamsession pulpfiction pipetobacco alwayssunnyinphiladelphia goodpeople charlie roby mission pool horrormovieplayground peoplespark 7/11 oatmealcreampie vancouver 20.000 cosmicbrownie betweentheburiedandme jeffagain wild fog nosleep drama goodwill fridge blur mountain adventure fareinstructor irishtouristpub morebeer turkeyshirt comedian qualitypeople foodnotbombs dog tides crazyneighbor bad jesusguy uggboots nachos tea loud spanish homelessoncrack hobofolks lackandleather presidiopark ww2bunkers ...
Kinda like this, just way more and more confusing, is the blur in my mind that represents my week in San Francisco.
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