Thursday, November 8, 2012

vancouver, bc

When I arrived at the Vancouver port I was pretty confused in the beginning. I didn't really know where to go, and I didn't have a phone and internet to contact my host and it wasn't really clear where we were supposed to meet. After a while of thinking I decided to go to the adress that I had. Unfortunately that wasn't too easy because the Vancouver transit system is pretty confusing in the beginning and I also didn't have Canadian change for the ticket. And there was tons of Asian people whoch really confused me in the beginning -  after a while I got used to it though lol.
But I made it to the house - at first it looked weird and neighbourhood didn't seem like college students would be living here. And when I rang the doorbell an old Asian woman opened me and told me that she didn't know me and wants me to leave because she doesn't like strangers. I was very confused but shortly afterwards my host Jess came out of the back of the house. So I found the right place after all :)
My hosts in Vancouver, Jess and Alison, were really cool. I got along with both of them really well and  I had a good time in Vancouver.
I spent some time exploring by myself, but also a lot of time hanging out with the girls - talking, making late night pumpkin meals, and watching lots and lots of Jersey Shore haha. They also took me to their college, the Emily Carr University of Art and Design. There I went to see a movie, to a class and I watched Alison printing photos since she was in a photography major. 
Alison also took me with her to shoot some pictures for her project she had to work on and to an Art gallery where she had to go with her class.
One day we also went roller skating along the beach and a beautiful park and Jess showed me the Vancouver suspension bridge, which was fun because we got lost and when we finally made it it was already getting pretty dark.
On my last night in Vancouver both of them took me out to dinner to a Mexican restaurant. We had magheritas, a lot of food and free cake because they told the waiter that it was my birthday - that was lots of fun and I was sad I had to leave them in the end :)

In Vancouver I also tried to decide if I wanted to saty or go back to Austria. It took me forever and finally I said that if I could I would stay. So at that moment everything depended on the Custom and Immigration Officers at the border.

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